Monday, February 25, 2008

The Loser's Club

As I mentioned in a previous post I have a special spot on my blog that I will be using to profile the people of weight loss surgery. I truly want to make this blog not only about my journey but about other's journey's as well. I want to dedicate this site to all those who've gone before me and risked their lives for a better tomorrow with weight loss surgery. So in doing so I have found my first candidate that will be profiled very shortly. You probably already know who it is if you read one of my earlier posts but if you don't you'll have to wait alittle while longer to find out.

I really want to hear from you guys, I know there are so many of you out there who have a story to tell and there are so many people who need to hear it. So please don't be afraid, let your voice be heard! If you are interested in being apart of this at the bottom of this post is a link to my email, click on it and email me. Operators are waiting to answer your call....well no seriously there isn't any operators but I will read your email and get back with ya I promise!! Have a beautiful day!


my email


Target Heart Rate